175 Iron Skillet Court, Bowling Green. More info

Meredith R. Lyons grew up in New Orleans, collecting two degrees from Louisiana State University before running away to Chicago to be an actor. In between plays, she got her black belt and made martial arts and yoga her full-time day job. She fought in the Chicago Golden Gloves, ran the Chicago Marathon, and competed for team U.S.A. in the savate world championships in Paris. In spite of doing each of these things twice, she couldn’t stay warm and relocated to Nashville. She owns several swords, but lives a non-violent life, saving all swashbuckling for the page, knitting scarves, gardening, visiting coffee shops, and cuddling with her husband and two panther-sized cats.

Lauren Thoman is the author of the speculative mysteries I’ll Stop the World and You Shouldn’t Be Here. She lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband and two children. When she’s not writing, she’s probably on the hunt for tacos or coffee, or buried underneath a pile of dogs.

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