Preschool Storytime @ Kirby
Bob Kirby Branch 175 Iron Skillet Ct, Bowling Green, KY, United States(Ages 3-5) Explore music, art, science, technology, mindfulness and more, through books, crafts and activities.
(Ages 3-5) Explore music, art, science, technology, mindfulness and more, through books, crafts and activities.
(Adult) Great Books meets at noon on the second Tuesday of each month to discuss a short story. Our selection for September will be: "The Translation" by Joyce Carol Oates, […]
Join HOTEL INC for a four-part book discussion led by Dr. Katy Attanasi Barker featuring the book Class by Stephanie Land. The event is free and open to the public! […]
(Birth - 18 months) Read stories, sing songs, learn, and play! Join us for this program targeted at engaging your baby's developing mind and socializing with others! Are you an […]
(18 months – 3 years) Sing! Dance! Read! Play! We engage toddlers (and grown ups!) in a weekly program aimed at introducing basic literacy-building concepts through interactive activities.
We engage toddlers (and grown ups!) in this weekly program aimed at bringing early literacy skills together with singing and interactive art activities! This is great for the child who […]